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Diagnostic reports

Professional and customizable

The most relevant feature of SDC PRO is its ability to produce professional and customizable diagnostic reports.

These reports are the best way to value the diagnosis carried out by the software:

  • by billing the diagnostic service to the clients whose device is tested;
  • by increasing the fares of computer repairs with an included test;
  • by selling additional hardware (replacement SSDs for example) or services (reinstallation, cleaning, etc.).

The report templates have been improved thanks to feedback from beta-testers who could to use SDC PRO for several months.

Thus, new features were developed thanks to from customer requests.

The diagnostic reports created with SDC PRO are available in 4 languages: French, English, German and Spanish.

SDC report
Multi-language report

Your customers deserve clear and accurate information

The PDF reports generated by SDC PRO include several blocks to display information about the device and its health status in a synthetic and understandable way:

Device Features

Features of tested device

SN (unique device identifier)
Start/Stop Count
Power-On hours count

Computer report

Technical details of the test bench or computer under test

Operating system
Date of installation

SMART Report

Integrated Health Indicators (SMART)

SDC PRO performs a multifactor analysis of SMART attributes to point a health status (GOOD, WARNING, BAD).

Occupancy report

Occupancy rate

SDC PRO checks the occupancy rate of the storage volume(s) to warn user in case of excessive use that may cause malfunctions.

Reading test report

Reading and stability tests

The PDF report shows the SDC PRO test results with a graphical visualization:

Color codes GREEN, ORANGE, RED for the 5 zones quick test
Colored map and response time curves of the sectors for the complete test
Comparative read speed curves for hard drives
Performance test with graphics comparison for SSDs

Recommandations report


A summary of the device’s health status as well as recommendations appear in the conclusion of the report:

Color codes GOOD, WARNING, BAD to easily and quickly understand the device’s health status
Advice for replacing hardware or perform maintenance on the system

Gallery of reports generated by SDC PRO

Here are examples of diagnostic reports generated by SDC PRO on hard drives and SSDs with different conditions:

HDD ok report

HDD ok report

SSD ok report

SSD ok report

SSD bad report

SSD bad report

HDD bad report

HDD bad report

HDD full warning report

HDD full warning report